Interaction with DJ's on another level.

Queue allows you to interact directly with DJs. Send song requests, video requests, shoutouts, and tips - all at your fingertips.

Crowd partying

Interaction with DJ's on another level.

Queue allows you to interact directly with DJs. Send song requests, video requests, shoutouts, and tips - all at your fingertips.

Crowd partying


Take control of the party!

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How it works

You're a Listener?

  • 1

    Download App

    Get Queue on your device from the App Store or Google Play

  • 2

    Create Account

    Sign up with your email or social media account

  • 3

    Discover DJs

    Find your favorite DJ by name or location!

  • 4

    Request & Tip

    Send song requests to DJs during their live sessions

  • 5

    Enjoy Music

    Sit back, listen, and let the music take over.

What our users say

Hear from our Listeners and DJs!


Britney - Listener


I've been using this app for a few months now and it has completely transformed my experience as a music enthusiast. The ability to request songs and even videos directly to DJs is amazing! Plus, the tipping feature is always included which is a great way to show our appreciation to the DJs. I love this app!


Carina - Listener


This app is a dream come true for someone like me who loves to dedicate songs to friends and family. The shoutout feature is fantastic and the DJs are always so responsive. I even got a shoutout on my birthday which made my day! Plus, the tipping feature is always included, so I can support my favorite DJs. Highly recommend this app to everyone.


Pete - DJ


As a DJ, this app has made my job so much more interactive and fun. I love receiving song requests and shoutouts from listeners, it helps me understand their preferences better. The tipping feature is always included and it's a great way for listeners to show their support. A must-have app for all DJs!


Mike - DJ


This app has bridged the gap between DJs and listeners in a way that was never possible before. It's so easy to receive and manage requests now. Plus, the tips from listeners are always included and they are a great motivator. This app is a game-changer for DJs like me.


Tom - DJ


I was a bit skeptical about using this app initially, but it has proven to be an excellent tool for me as a DJ. The video request feature is especially cool, it adds a whole new dimension to the DJing experience. Plus, the tipping feature is always included which is always appreciated. This app is a win-win for both DJs and listeners.

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